

I've being sleepless for three nights. I feel sometimes that what I am doing is wrong. ...

so lets be informal and talk about it more openly...

Thought I entered in the field of  my dreams but yet I am uncomfortable, I don't know why but I am? I am hungry for technical skills and technical gatherings, although I got some but thrust for more and more....the problem arises when you meet "Geniuses". These people make you feel that they are extraordinary, perhaps they think that, and they give you a lot of stress for nothing. These losers makes you lose the the battle from the very first day... the biggest problem with theses "Geniuses" is that they are overemotional  and bossy. Its easy to identify them but to make them realize their mistakes is more difficult then to make a male buffalo milk. These Geniuses can be found anywhere near you. Its upto you to ignore them or kick their ass...